Clinically-Proven Solutions To Clear Acne
Acne is a widespread disorder of the oil glands in the skin. Approximately 200-300 million people complain of it in India alone! It is a primary aesthetic concern because it predominantly occurs on the face and affects the tone and texture of your skin permanently if left untreated. If you want to know more about the best clinically-proven acne treatments in India that guarantee you visible results, you are on the right page. Keep reading to know more!
Why Do You Get Acne?
Let us first understand the cause of acne. Acne occurs because of the clogging of skin pores due to a build-up of excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. Pimples can appear on your face, chest, shoulders, and back. Your acne flare-up could be a result of the following reasons:
- A positive family history of acne
- Hormonal changes or imbalance
- Hectic and stressful lifestyle
- Medicines like corticosteroids, anti-epileptic drugs, and lithium
- Consumption of sugary foods
- Comedogenic cosmetic products
Risk Factors:
Your risk of having acne is high if you fall into any of the following categories:
- You are undergoing puberty as breakouts affect about 95% of teenagers.
- You are in the age group between 14 and 30 years that is the worst-affected by acne.
- You have a stressful lifestyle or hormonal issues as an adult, then you may be among the 20% of men and 35% of women who have adult acne.
If you are struggling to manage your acne-prone skin, you can relate to the next section.
What Is the Acne Treatment Procedure At Richmond Dental and Aesthetic Centre?
The advanced acne treatment at Richmond Dental and Aesthetic Centre involves the following steps:
- An exclusive consultation with a qualified dermatologist.
- A detailed diagnosis of the root cause to arrive at a holistic solution.
- A custom-made treatment plan based on your skin and acne type and trigger.
- Pre-care guidance to help prep your skin for advanced aesthetic treatment.
- Scheduled sessions with planned intervals for attaining the best results.
- Post-care support for delivering long-lasting satisfaction.
How To Get Started With The Advanced Acne Treatment At Richmond Dental and Aesthetic Centre?
Book an appointment online or over the phone by dialing +916360743827. Our customer care team will schedule an appointment with an experienced dermatologist based on your time and convenience.